The South West's Manufacturing Industry
Manufacturing is an economic powerhouse for a region that abounds in natural resources including critical minerals.
Key manufacturing industries relate to processing alumina, mineral sands and the world’s leading source of hardrock lithium.
The South West also features leading engineering firms supporting an advanced mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector.
The region also features a softwood timber precinct which produces the bulk of Western Australia’s construction timbers and Laminex, one of the country’s leading particle board manufacturers
Proposals to develop an advanced manufacturing and technology hub supported by green energy are currently progressing.

Manufacturing Fast-Facts
The total output estimate for South West is $35,291.360 million. Manufacturing sectors contribute $7,999.214 million (22.7%) of total output.
The manufacturing sector employs 7,160 people (8.9% of total employment).
Selected industry sectors in South West ranked by Output.
Metal & Metal Product Manufacturing
Food Product Manufacturing
Beverage Product Manufacturing
Basic Chemical, Cleaning & Polymer Manufacturing
Technical Equipment & Appliance Manufacturing
Saw Mill, Wood & Paper Product Manufacturing
Other Manufacturing