South West's Timber and Forestry Industry
Timber is the ultimate renewable resource in a world acknowledging the need to capture carbon.
The forestry and timber industry grows and harvests trees in a cycle that provides sustainable building materials in a sector that is identified as a regional growth driver.
The South West’s climate supports forestry which covers a range of operations from seedling nurseries and plantations to harvest, manufacturing and transport.

Timber and Forestry Fast-Facts
- Wespine has an annual production capacity up to 500,000m3
- Laminex is one of the largest producers of particle board in Australia with more than 300,000m3pa
- WAPRES exports about 1mtpa of woodfibre to Japan and South East Asia
- More than half of WA’s structural timber for housing construction is sourced from Wespine
- The WA Government has committed to expand the softwood plantation estate by more than 30,000ha within a decade