Key Contacts: Business and Investment in the South West

Connecting Australian businesses to Federal Government advice and support, including grants, tax incentives and tailored advice. AusIndustry is delivered via the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Federal Government initiative to accelerate the growth of exporters, attract foreign investors and stimulate the visitor economy.

Bunbury Geographe Economic Alliance
BGEA is a membership-based organisation which facilitates economic development and promotion of the Bunbury Geographe area through a partnership approach between industry, education and local Government.

Chamber of Minerals and Energy
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia is the peak resources sector representative body in Western Australia. CME has a dedicated office in the South West.

Creative Tech Village
The Creative Tech Village (WACTIH) will operate in collaboration with the State Government, Edith Cowan University, City of Bunbury and industry to stimulate and grow Western Australia's emerging creative and immersive technology industry. The hub will assist in growing a future ready workforce, entrepreneurs, start-ups and innovators in WA and its regions.

Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)
The South West Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) assists businesses operating within the area to access a broader range of skilled workers and occupations, outside of traditional visa programs.

DevelopmentWA is the State Government’s central land and development agency, delivering residential and industrial land for strategic, general, special and light industrial use.

Edith Cowan University – South West Campus
ECU South West is WA's largest university campus outside Perth and is at the centre of education and health in the South West. The Campus is part of an educational precinct comprising the South West Regional College of TAFE and the Bunbury Health Campus, which includes St John of God Hospital and South West Area Health Services.

Regional Development Australia – South West
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is an Australian Government initiative that brings together all levels of government to enhance the development of Australia's regions. RDA South West is responsible for the development of the south west corner of Western Australia, a tourism and primary production hot spot.

South West Angels
A network of private investors actively engaged in local emerging ventures, providing funding and mentorship.

South West Development Commission
SWDC is a statutory authority of the State Government that strives to make the South West an even better place to live, work and invest. They do so by partnering with communities, government, business and industry to identify and support projects that benefit the region.

South West Timber Hub
The Western Australian South West Timber Hub works with the South West forestry industry to ensure adequate supply to meet current and future timber demands by; growing the forest industry, using forest resources smarter and growing community understanding of forestry.

Southern Forests Food Council
The Southern Forests Food Council represents local producers who live and work in Western Australia’s food bowl, aiming to establish the Southern Forests as an internationally recognised food producing region.

Streamline WA
Streamline WA is a WA Government one stop shop for business, industry and the community to assist with and apply for project approval using the Approvals WA portal.
The Australian Government’s TradeStart initiative is delivered through the South West Development Commission. TradeStart assists small and medium-sized exporters to achieve long term success in international markets.

WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
DJTSI work to increase trade and attract investment into the state through Invest and Trade WA, promoting investment opportunities and Western Australia’s products and raw materials to overseas markets.

WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
WA Government Department which works to develop and protect Western Australia’s agriculture, food and aquatic sectors, building vibrant regions with strong economies.

WA Investments - CCIWA
CCI WA’s vision is for WA to be the best place to live and do business. The membership-based body provides economic forecasting, policy input and connects business to support a growing trade footprint.

Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils
The Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC) is a Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils representing the Shires of Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Donnybrook-Balingup, Manjimup and Nannup to work as a collective body on issues affecting those areas in the Warren and Blackwood catchments.