Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area

Investment Value (AU$)

Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) is the largest in the South West designed for strategic and downstream processing industries.

The Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (Kemerton SIA) has been selected by the Western Australian Government as a site for strategic and heavy industry in the South West region.

Connected to major road, power and gas networks Kemerton SIA is just 17km north-east of the Bunbury Port in Western Australia’s South West region

Kemerton SIA features large scale sites suited for strategic or heavy industry protected from sensitive land uses it is a secure investment environment close to skilled workforce and townsite amenities.

Existing industries within Kemerton SIA Simcoa Operations – silicon production, Cristal – titanium production, BOC Gases – oxygen and nitrogen production, Transfield PowerStation, Tesla Power Station, Albemarle Lithium Refinery and Tronox

Project results/impacts Kemerton SIA had an impact of $965 million on the State’s total gross output for2018-19. The SIA had an impact of $490 million on Gross State Product (GSP),representing 0.2 per cent of the total GSP for 2018-19 and 1,193 FTEs on employment, representing 0.1 per cent of total State employment.  

The SIA had an impact of $853 million on the region’s total gross output. The SIA had an impact of $352 million on GRP, representing 2.5 per cent of the total GRP for 2018-19. The employment impact of 1,064 FTEs represented one per cent of total regional employment

Investment Status Located within the Shire of Harvey, the Kemerton SIA industrial core is zoned 'Industrial' and the buffer is zoned 'Rural' under the Shire's District  Planning Scheme No. 1 (DPS 1), with additional restrictions pursuant to Special Control Area No 2 within the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme, which is administered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. 

The Kemerton Strategic  Industrial Area Structure Plan was adopted on 24 May 2017 and sets the  planning framework to guide the future development of the industrial area.

Investment Sector Strategic and heavy industries and downstream processing industries

Investment Type Suitable for chemical and resource based processing industries.  Established industry includes Albermarle Lithium, Kemerton Silica Sand,  Simcoa Operations, Tronox, Cristal, Nufarm Coofee, BOC Ltd, Transfield and  Tesla power plants.

Investment Region South West

Current occupants with the Kemerton SIA include:

Simcoa Operations – silicon production.

Cristal – titanium production.

BOC Gases – oxygen and nitrogen production

Transfield Power Station.

Tesla Power Station

Albemarle Lithium Refinery


Contact Information
Brenton Pham
Senior Development Manager
+61 8 9482 7818
Locked Bag 5, Perth Business Centre, Perth WA 6849
Visit Website
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Kemerton SIA Project Summary
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Kemerton SIA Project Summary

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